37:3 Fire Steels; The Fall of Fort McKenzie; A Jukes Coulson & Co. Hand Dag...
37:4 Hampton Swaine’s HBC Bead Samples; Covered Copper Kettles; Source Material: HBC Rat..
38:1 The Unicorn and the Narwhal; Issac Veal, Trapmaker; The Oldest Known American Trap; A..
38:2 How the Indians Tanned Buckskin; Massachusetts Powder Works-American Powder Company: Sour..
38:3 Playing cards in the Fur Trade (all color issue)...
38:4 Checkers or Draughts in the Fur Trade; Arming the Trader: Hand Grenades; Packing Up, Part..
39:1 Fur Trade Feather Merchants: Ostrich Plumes; Ice Chisels in the Western Great Lakes Fur T..
39:2 Percussion Fur Trade Guns; The Mystery Solved; Source Material: Beadwork and the Bureaucr..
39:3 Lead Seals of the Russian-American Company: A Perspective from the Castle Hill Collection..
39:4 Toussaint Charbonneau’s Kitchen; Looking Glasses with Drawers; How the Lewis Air Gun Work..
40:1 A Day at the Hat-Factory...
40:2 A Typology of Fur Trade Hoes; Source Material: Trading Post Garden Seeds; Indian Trade Br..
40:3 Bad Medicine: Medical Knowledge and Practice of the Upper Missouri Fur Trade...
40:4 Winter Trader’s Dress in Eighteenth Century Hudson’s Bay...
41:1 Winter Trader’s Dress in 18th-Century Hudson Bay Part II; The Sable and the Marten; Lette..
Showing 61 to 75 of 145 (10 Pages)