57:4 Pigments of the Fur Trade..
58:1 Steelyards, Scales and Beams: The U.M.O. Measures Weight by M..
58:2 The Lewis and Clark Expedition: Fishing the Missouri - 28 pgs..
58:3 The Other Side of the Ledger. In the last half century, we ha..
58:4 The Trader. An in-depth survey of the trading post's chief of..
The Gift of a Lifetime Collection, The Fred ..
A Chronology of the Arrowhead Sash, An Unusual Fu..
The "Modern" Fur Trade, Source Material: Saving t..
Fur Returns of HBC's Columbia District, 1826-50 b..
60 The Fur Trade in 100 Objects (full length monograph;..
Showing 136 to 145 of 145 (10 Pages)